17/Apr/2024 15:40 - 16:20
Room A105, Povo 1 and online on Zoom
EIT Double Degree Programs and special initiatives presentation
Within the initiative “Open Days Master’s Degrees” organized by Orienta UniTrento.
Presentation of the EIT Double Degree Programs offered by the DISI Master’s Degrees in Computer Science and in Information Engineering
Presentation of the two new EIT Digital initiatives
- MSc in Emotion Artificial Intelligence
- Master School SPECTRO [SPecialised Education programmes in CybersecuriTy and RObotics] programmes
15:40 – 15:50 Bruno Crispo (University of Trento) presents an overview of the EIT Digital Master School Programmes at the University of Trento
15:50 – 16:00 Enrico Blanzieri (University of Trento) and Milena Bigatto (HIT- Hub Innovazione Trentino) present an overview of the EIT Manufacturing Master School Programmes at the University of Trento.
16:00 – 16:10 Luigi Palopoli (University of Trento) presents the new EIT Digital MSc in Emotion Artificial Intelligence
16:10 – 16:20 Bruno Crispo (University of Trento) presents the the Master School SPECTRO programme
Due to limited seats in the room, we invite you to register online
It is also possible to follow the presentation via Zoom. Mandatory online registration